MedicalTitle.jpg (35866 byte)


by Laura Poggiani  

SoleSimb.jpg (4324 byte) SUN

It indicates vitality, father inheritance, the right eye for man and the left one for the woman, the brain, and the right side of the body.

 LunaSimb.jpg (3678 byte) MOON

It is related to body liquids, to the left side of the body, to taste to mother inheritance, to the uterus, to the stomach.

In Medical Astrology this Planet is very importat most of all in case significant decisions have to be made to start medical treatments or surgeries, and precisely:

  1. it’s worthy avoiding surgeries with the moon is rising;

  2. it’s worthy avoiding surgeries if Moon is passing through the Sign representing the organ needing surgery.

It is interesting to report indications the astrologer Magini, died in 1617, wrote in one of his almanacs, concerning disease course according to the Moon movements:

"If the disease begins on the first day of Moon, this day will be bad.
Two: good
Three: the disease will go on for sixteen more days"
Four: long disease
Five: if recovering delays, the forecast is not good 
Six: timor
Seven: good
Eight: No danger
Nine: death is likely if not yet recovered
Ten: bed
Eleven: recovering soon
Twelve: up to the fifteenth there’s risk to die
Thirteen: big pain to be suffered
Fourteen: short disease
Fifteen: if not better within four day, risk to die
Sixteen: recover
Seventeen: risk to die within four days
Eighteen: long but not dangerous disease
Nineteen: recover within four days
Twenty: up to the fifteenth there’s risk to die
Twenty-one: good
Twenty-two: slow but steady recover
Twenty-three: danger
Twenty-four: recover between the tenth and the fourteenth
Twenty-five: if death will not occur within four days the patient is safe 
Twenty-six: bad
Twenty-seven: risk to die
Twenty-eight: bad
Twenty-nine: slow but steady recover
Thirty: from a disease to another"

 MercurioSimb.jpg (3224 byte) MERCURY

According to the tradition, it is related to the tongue, the bile, and the rectum, but also to the nerve transmission, hormonal and enzymic messengers but also the sense of hearing in general.

 VenereSimb.jpg (3264 byte) VENUS

Its domain is the smell, the skin, ovaries, feminine genital organs, the vagina, Falloppio’s tubas, extrogens and progestinics, tiroxine (an hormone produced by the thyroid, regulating the basic methabolism), the uro-genital system (the urethra, the bladder, the kidneys.) and the venous one. It also regulates the throat and tonsils, in fact it mainly improves ovary and kidney diseases. 

Relating to health in general, if well-aspected in the theme, Venus indicates potentially a good health, and the contrary if afflict.

 MarteSimb.jpg (3996 byte) MARS

According to the tradition, it regulates the left ear, but it’s mostly related to masculine reproductive apparatus, and with the phallus in particular. Furthermore it regulates the blood, muscles, and testosterone. 

  GioveSimb.jpg (3380 byte) JUPITER

It regulates sugars, lipids, the liver, and the gall-bladder. A particular attention is deserved to Morpurgo1 attributing the planet Jupiter to the sight and to the speech. Furthermore, because Jupiter is a planet related to the growth, its effect can be not always positive.

 SaturnoSimb.jpg (3209 byte) SATURN

According to the tradition, it is related to the left ear and to the skeleton system. If Jupiter stretches, on the contrary Saturn wrinkles, hardens, calcificates.

 UranoSimb.jpg (3852 byte)URANUS

This planet is related to electricity and, for extension, with the transmission of nervous impulses: one of our researches indicates, by this way, how this Planet is predominating mostly in aspect to the VI House, in cases of epilepsy, for this disease is connected to alterations of cerebral electric impulses (neurons). Anatomically speaking, it is also related to hands and thus from its position it is possible to tell the ability to receive or release "prana" (vital energy which is transmitted mainly by hands ). 

 NettunoSimb.jpg (3440 byte)NEPTUNE

All intracellular liquids and the amniotic liquid are related to this planet, as well as, the lymphatic system with its leucocytes and lymphocytes, which are necessary to immunitary system. 

 PlutoneSimb.jpg (3379 byte)PLUTO

If mars represents the phallus, Pluto represents testicles and so both planets and their aspects will give information about the efficacy of masculine reproductive apparatus. Pluto is also related to the concept of "life-death" and so it is closely related with cancerous pathologies, when the death of the organism is determined by the uncontrolled growth of cells. An analysis of the planet, then, gives indications concerning the possible sexual deviations. 

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Trad. by Carmen Santarpino - All rights reserved