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Laura Poggiani

Laura Poggiani has been a teacher in the High School. She also has a specialisation in Graphology . She  supported a psychologist to help children with learning problems  analysing their handwriting. She  was a trainer in several courses for  teachers.

Concerning Astrology, she has been studing it for over 30 years, following ideally the school of italian astrologers Lisa Morpurgo, Ciro Discepolo and Massimo Frisari. The branches of Astrology which she studies as most are: Medical Astrology, Synastry and Active Astrology (the technic to contrast bad transits and solar returns by moving on birthday in better geographical areas).

She cooperates with articles to the professional astrological magazine "Ricerca90", edited by Ciro Discepolo, and she also wrote articles for other italian astrological issues like "Astrodonna", "Sirio", "Misteri", "Branko" and some South American issues like "Cosmovision" and others.

She  founded the website "Armonics" , concerning Astrology and New Age. She collaborates to the website "Astralis", containing most of her articles and works, concerning Astrology, Graphology, Tales, Novels:


where You can also find Her Blog:


She has been lecturer in several Conferences and Workshops in Italy and abroad.

Her e-mail: astrowin@alice.it