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MARCH 2025

by Lynn Koiner

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New Age



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MARCH 2025 Phenomena:


Septiles between the personal planets generally favor intuitive insights. See article on my website on Multi-Dimensional Phenomena. There was a minor cluster on June 6 – it was actually June 5 when I attended a King Tut exhibition but, on the 6th, I wore my Egyptian jewelry and connected with a past life.

FYI – when I first started reading the Edgar Cayce books, I felt that I had a strong connection with Egypt at that time. Later, I felt that I knew Moses and the Exodus. I also felt that I knew my friend, Rose, in that lifetime when she was in the Pharoh’s court.

On my last trip to Poland, when there was a very powerful Septile Cluster, I saw a Nazi soldier walking in a Riese tunnel. I will never forget how he looked and the clothes that he wore.

NOTE: The Septile clusters in January through March are rather light-weight because there are no Septile Clusters involving septiles from the Outer Planets.

MARCH 22-23: This is a minor period with the Sun-Venus septile Uranus but it can provide sudden inspiration and intuitive flashes

MAJOR EVENTS FOR MARCH 2025 – For Transiting Retrogrades, see www.lynnkoiner.com Not all dates have not been updated but the interpretation is correct. 
If a planet changes direct conjunct a natal planet, this is a powerful signature.

(see end of this column)

MARCH 1: Venus turns Retrograde at 10 Aries (see article on www.lynnkoiner.com)

MARCH 14: Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon) at 23Virgo56 at 2:55am EDT – Full Moon conjunct Saturn and trine Uranus

MARCH 14-15: Mercury turns Retrograde at 9 Aries

MARCH 20: Spring Equinox at 5:01 am EDT (Sun enters Aries)

MARCH 29: Solar Eclipse Crises New Moon at 9 Aries at 6:58 am EDT

MARCH 30: Neptune enters Aries

GOOD DATES/PERIODS for MARCH 2025 – All times are ET/EDT

I have articles on my website on the transiting Retrogrades so you have to go to www.lynnkoiner.com

MARCH 4 and MARCH 31-APRIL 1 (1:30pm EDT): The Moon is in the sign of Taurus and the Moon makes all favorable aspects but, around 9pm ET, the Moon crosses Uranus and finally sextiling Neptune. Uranus will cause a sudden, unexpected change of plans, although this could be a good thing. You can actually cut through red tape and restrictions and the changes may work to your benefit. Neptune brings in the influence of a spirit guide so you must go with intuition.

MARCH 8 (8pm EDT) through MARCH 9 (5pm EDT): The Moon is in the sign of Cancer where it forms all favorable aspects during this period. Benefits can come from people in authority who support your plans and endeavors. Uranus urges progressive ideas. Neptune is an ending planet for most signs this month until it eventually enters Aries. Until then, expect unexpected assistance, help that comes from divine forces, and any compassionate and humanitarian plan will receive spiritual support. Neptune likes to go with the flow.

MERCURY TURNS RETROGRADE: April 14-15 at 9 Aries

MARCH 19: The Moon is in the sign of Scorpio and there is a brief period from 5 am EDT until 3:20pm EDT when you can draw matters to a successful conclusion very easily, often due to divine intervention for any compassionate plans.

MARCH 23 (8pm EDT) through March 24 (11am EDT): The Moon is in the sign of Capricorn, always favoring practical endeavors. Uranus helps you cut through any obstacles. With Neptune, expect unexpected assistance, help that comes from divine forces, and any compassionate and humanitarian plan will receive spiritual support. Neptune likes to go with the flow. There is a septile aspect on this day so work with multi-dimensional phenomena and intuition.

MARCH 27 (7pm EDT) through March 28 (4pm EDT): The Moon is in the sign of Pisces and it ends with a tight conjunction with Venus-Neptune conjunction. This period favors creative, romantic and highly spiritual endeavors. Follow your intuition and follow your heart. Venus is Retrograde so it favors reconnecting with someone from your past. You may see them idealistically so wait until Venus turns Direct before making a commitment.

NOTE TO READER: These dates are based upon electional techniques. All of the Moon sign dates apply to everyone. Do not simply read your own Moon sign – read all of the signs for what I say about the specific dates. The Moon sign information will NOT describe the day, only the outcome if you initiate something important on that day. Favorable periods are in Bold Print.






* ARIES (March 19-April 19): With so many planets changing signs, this is a great ending and beginning cycle for many of us. You may feel emotionally tied to a past situation but this will only drag you down. Lift off the chains that bind you to the past and walk away. You will find safe passage away from troubled waters. Take off the blinders and see the situation for exactly what it is – and walk away.
MARCH 1-2: The Moon is in the sign of Aries and this is a disruptive period to initiate anything important. Venus turns Retrograde so something or someone is dropped! The ending aspect is a square to Mars so there will be anger and disputes that ends the matter.
MARCH 28-30: The Moon returns to Aries and this time it is even worse – ending again with a square to Mars. This is a Crises Solar Eclipse so emotional crises can be triggered, leading up to the lunation. Anger and disputes are indicated by Mars.  












* TAURUS (April 20-May 20): New ideas and new inspiration may present themselves this month but exercise restraint. There are Retrogrades that warn you to examine, brood and ponder, and explore your options first. You may be blind to some of the problems involved. Balance and moderation are necessary.
MARCH 4 and MARCH 31-APRIL 1 (1:30pm EDT): The Moon is in the sign of Taurus and the Moon makes all favorable aspects but, around 9pm ET, the Moon crosses Uranus and finally sextiling Neptune. Uranus will cause a sudden, unexpected change of plans, although this could be a good thing. You can actually cut through red tape and restrictions and the changes may work to your benefit. Neptune brings in the influence of a spirit guide so you must go with intuition. 













* GEMINI (May 21-June 20): A strong man who is good in business may benefit you now. However, there is a problem around him to which he oblivious. You might be helpful here. Exercise balance and moderation – not too much, not too little…just the right balance in your life. This is a good period to build for your spiritual future.
MARCH 5-6-early 7: The Moon is in the sign of Gemini. Matters start out well on the 5th but soon a series of conflicts, delays and an eventual fizzling out will occur. Do not initiate now.











* CANCER (June 21-July 22): It will be important to step back and gain a better perspective upon your current situation. Sometimes a trip to get away proves helpful. Take a break from your usual routines. There is a man in power, good in business, who can prove beneficial for you. Do not worry about the current political situation. Matters will improve for you.
MARCH 8 (8pm EDT) through MARCH 9 (5pm EDT): The Moon is in the sign of Cancer where it forms all favorable aspects during this period. Benefits can come from people in authority who support your plans and endeavors. Uranus urges progressive ideas. Neptune is an ending planet for most signs this month until it eventually enters Aries. Until then, expect unexpected assistance, help that comes from divine forces, and any compassionate and humanitarian plan will receive spiritual support. Neptune likes to go with the flow.  










* LEO (July 23-August 22): This is a month when you should take a risk, follow your heart and take a leap of faith in trying a new path. New ideas and inspiration can stimulate your enthusiasm for life. This is a time to plan for your future – both spiritual and financial.
MARCH 10-11 (4pm EDT): The Moon is in the sign of Leo and, while there are many favorable aspects, the last aspect is a square to Uranus! There will be an unexpected surprise with circumstances beyond your control. Be prepared for the matter not to work out in the end. 









* VIRGO (August 23-September 22): Like Leo, this is a month when you should take a risk, follow your heart and take a leap of faith in trying a new path. This is also a time where wishes can be granted – MAKE THAT WISH NOW! Your spiritual practices can produce results in manifesting your wish. A Spirit Guide will offer a new way for you.
MARCH 12-EARLY MARCH 14: The Moon is in the sign of Virgo and it is fraught with difficult aspects, including a lunar eclipse. If your birthday occurs at this time, you will experience a major change within the coming year – connected with the House position of your Sun. Do not initiate at this time – nothing will work out. 














* LIBRA (September 23-October 22): You will finish up difficult tasks this month. However, do not make important decisions right now. While I can blame the Retrogrades, you do not have certain facts to make a decision. Take your time and all will be revealed so that you CAN make the correct decision. Pay off debts and be charitable to those in need.
MARCH 15: The Moon is in the sign of Libra but Mercury turns Retrograde, followed by oppositions whereby you will agree to break off relationships. The ending aspect is a square to Mars so there will be anger and disputes that ends the matter. 














* SCORPIO (October 23-November 21): Like Leo and Virgo, this is a month when you should take a risk, follow your heart and take a leap of faith in trying a new path. There is a Spirit Guide watching you so you will be OK. There is a woman around you with a “sharp tongue” – avoid her if possible. You may be worried about finances but many of us are in the difficult times.
MARCH 19: The Moon is in the sign of Scorpio and there is a brief period from 5 am EDT until 3:20pm EDT when you can draw matters to a successful conclusion very easily, often due to divine intervention for any compassionate plans.      















* SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 20): Finances look good this month but, remember, the planets are Retrograde so this is not a time for major expenses. There may be a connection with a family with what I call Old Money (money in the family for generations). They can prove helpful and generous. This is a month to treat yourself royally – go to a spa, a nice restaurant and be with people who treat you with respect. This is actually a Saving month, not major spending.
MARCH 19 (afternoon/evening) through MARCH 21: The Moon is in the sign of Sagittarius and, by the 20th, the aspects are difficult with hard aspects to Jupiter, Saturn and finally Neptune. There will be excess costs, limiting red tape and finally the matter fizzles out because did not have important information for your decision making.   












* CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19): This is a time to make a wish – MAKE THAT WISH NOW! This is an ending and beginning cycle for you. Let go and move on. Take the moral high road and do not look back.
MARCH 23 (8pm EDT) through March 24 (11am EDT): The Moon is in the sign of Capricorn, always favoring practical endeavors. Uranus helps you cut through any obstacles. With Neptune, expect unexpected assistance, help that comes from divine forces, and any compassionate and humanitarian plan will receive spiritual support. Neptune likes to go with the flow. There is a septile aspect on this day so work with multi-dimensional phenomena and intuition.    

















* AQUARIUS (January 20-February 17): Some very firm and sometimes difficult decisions will need to be made this month. You will feel a loss but you need to turn around and focus upon all that you do have. Cerebrate the abundance in your life, abundance that you may have overlooked. There could be minor messages about money matters. In the end, you will sense that you are being guided by your Guardian Angel and new opportunities will be presented that you did not expect.
MARCH 24-25: The Moon is in the sign of Aquarius and it makes all favorable aspects – until the very end! The Moon ends with a square to Uranus. There will be an unexpected surprise with circumstances beyond your control. Be prepared for the matter ultimately not to work out. 














* PISCES (February 18-March 19): You will feel victorious in your work activities. There will be an awakening of latent talents and insights. By month’s end, you will receive some very surprising news that comes as a shock. 
MARCH 27 (7pm EDT) through March 28 (4pm EDT): The Moon is in the sign of Pisces and it ends with a tight conjunction with Venus R-Neptune conjunction. This period favors creative, romantic and highly spiritual endeavors. Follow your intuition and follow your heart. Venus is Retrograde so it favors reconnecting with someone from your past. You may see them idealistically so wait until Venus turns Direct before making a commitment.






