Exactly, when does the astronomical phenomenon of eclipse take place? It occurs when, in the phase of New Moon (eclipse of the Sun) or Full Moon (eclipse of the Moon) there is a particular lining up of our satellite as for the Earth. In the first case, that is in the eclipse of the Sun, the Moon, lined up between Sun and Earth, is enlightened only in the invisible area from our planet, thus covering partially or completely the Sun. In the second case (eclipse of the Moon) it is the Earth to be between the Sun and the Moon, so to obscure the satellite. Under the astrological profile, effects on the man can be listed like this:
Both kinds of eclipses, however, can cause many mistakes, especially in diagnosis and so it is advisable not to make any medical check-ups in these days - considering about 10 days as "effect range" Now let's see some examples linked to the total eclipse of the Sun and the partial one of the Moon occurred on 3/9/1997 at 1.16 AM GMT and on 3/24/1997 at 4.10 AM GMT, respectively. Example n.1 - It is a masculine subject. On 3/10/97 he had the nasty surprise to find his house burglarized, luckilywith not many further damages. Three days after, on 3/13, suddenly his father died. Following, there is the Chart compared at the moment of the eclipse. The Moon, ruler of VIII (the death), is remarkably involved in the eclipse, Pluto is added to it, transiting in XII (evidences) opposite to Jupiter, placed in VI and ruler of Ascendant. The ruler of the IV (the father) is opposite to Saturn instead. Finally Mercury and Venus joining the eclipse, right in III House, are note-worth: Mercury symbolizes burglars, young people, movements and telephones, and the same is for the cosignificant III House. As far as it is shown, the robbery is made by homeless boys who, neglecting gold, do not steal but the mobile phone of the subject.
* * * On the contrary, the following feminine subject is one among the several "victims" of the mistakes caused by an eclipse. Right in the days of the eclipse, an extremely serious pathology was diagnosed to her uterus (symbolized by the Moon itself, N.d.R.). A delicate surgery was needed to work it out, but with not many guarantees to be successful. The diagnosis seemed to be certain, but, to be careful, further checks were made. These latest exams - made when the effects of the eclipse were fading - denied this unlucky diagnosis and everything worked out by a simple and fast conolaser application. Here we are to make a comparison with the day of the eclipse. First of all, the eclipse is placed right on the natal conjunction Sun-Saturn, where the Sun is the ruler of Ascendant and Saturn of the VI (health). Being the mistake so enormous, there is no surprise to find Mercury square to Uranus and Neptune radix, while Pluto in square to Venus stresses health troubles connected to the reproductive apparatus, mostly if we keep into consideration that Venus is the ruler of the XII sector, after indicating health in general. However, most transits are substancially positive and so had to be the solution of the problem. A famous case is here analyzed: the Natal Chart of the future heir to the throne of England William, firstborn of Lady Diana Spencer, who recently died. To begin, reading her plentiful biographies issued on most magazines all over the world, the dramatic events strike going along the pregnancy of her firstborn, who is so similar in the look to his popular mother. In fact, the pregnancy began in the middle of a conjugal crisis Lady Di went through, while she had to reckon with a serious bulimia. At the forth month, in February 1982, after hundredth fight, exasperated, she threw herself from the stairs and her life and pregnancy were safe thanks to a fall on a hip of ground. Then she would try to cut her wrists and went even so far to torture her body. Such a deep desperation couldn't but leave a trace on the child she was bringing inside her. It is not a too big surprise to find in Prince William's Chart (pic. 1) right on the day of his birth, not only the New Moon - a combination which ancients already defined as "delicate" - but also a partial eclipse of the Sun (which took place at 12.07 PM). According to the traditional astrology, this astral combination is extremely adverse and it affects severely the psyche of the person who receives it. In this case it is even overburdened by the opposition to the Planet which, along with the Moon, is strictly connected to the psyche and the deriving disturbs: Neptune. This opposition is particularly delicate because is evident: Neptune is "seated" on the Ascendant, giving a "Neptunian" temper and so oversensitive, but in this case it is hard to dominate rationally, It is due both to the opposition to the two Luminaries and to the involvment of such a peculiar sector like the XII, which is considered of "troubles" not by chance.The particular feature of the V House is remarkable, it is normally linked to the birth where Venus and Mercury are placed both in opposition to Uranus. Now Venus is the ruler of the V in V, Mercury is the ruler of the VI (pathologic states) as well as of Luminaries while Uranus is connected to violent traumas. Is there a more clear symbology of traumatic events his mother went through and consequently the child still in her womb? Neptune too, symbolizing the foetus and the amniotic liquid, due to the delicate position we desribed above, gives strength to this symbology. The V-XI axis is defined "of the balance" and the presence of oppositions in this sector are undoubtful signals of nervous unreliability which is hard to control. Particularly in this case, the oppositions involve Uranus and Mercury. The great similarity to his mother, both in the look and in his psychic fragility is masterly signaled: Cancer Asc. Sagittarius as his mother was, here is the child having a Ascendant Sagittarius, stronger by a powerful stellium in IX, cosignificant of Sagittarius while the Masters of this Sign, Neptune and Jupiter, are "seated" one on the Ascendant and the other on the MC. The Sun is still in Gemini, but lacking few degrees only to the passage of sign and being "lunarized" by the conjunction to the Moon, the boy is considered in fact as Cancer, stressing the feature of cusp he would have anyway being born at the end of the Sign. Certainly, the feature of this Gemini won't be funny and playful, like most people born under the sign dominated by Mercury. On the contrary he bears the features of the most introverted and silent kind of Gemini. By the way of psychic and nervous fragility, we also recall that Gemini are one of the most delicate signs of the Zodiac because, if they get prey of nervous breakdowns, they hardly recuperate somehow. The similarities with the Chart of his mother aren't these only: like her, the young William has a stellium in VII where the Sun takes part and both of them have Pluto in IX, so to quote some. The Chart is quite complex, however, and consequently, stimulating, because the arising portrait is not at all of a merely neurotic person. The two Luminaries are at a double trine to Pluto an Jupiter, so to indicate how William is undoubtedly charisma-talented (trine to Pluto) and has philanthropic aspirations (trine to Jupiter, Ascendant in Sagittarius, a strong IX House, Neptune and Jupiter dominating). The young prince inherited these two aspect of his temper from his mother, and, like Princess Diana, he will be famous and beloved by people. Furthermore, the trine of Mercury to Saturn grants a logical and brilliant mentality which, along with the certain neptunian intuition, can really make an explosive mix as for the capability to successfully manage hard and delicate situations. The stellium in IX not only gives him a clear popularity abroad, in the United States in particular, rather than home, but also makes him a supreme strategist in foreign politics, and will favour his philosophical interests and studies. The day his mother died, the following significant aspect occurred:
As far as the solar Revolution is concerned (pic. 2), which likely took place in London, I consider it emblematic: Ascendant of RS falls right in...VIII, giving strength to the signals "of VIII", the transits mentioned above, while there is a stellium made up by Mercury, Venus and most of all the Sun, right in X, not to mention the Moon (once again a symbol connected to the mother, like the X) placed in IV, the family indeed! Dulcis in fundo, two days later Lady Di died, it happened that a partial eclipse of the Sun occurred (the death of a sovereign, although in this case she was formally a virtual one, but concretely by wish of the people) and where this eclipse could place in the natal Chart of Prince William? Obviously in VIII, along with Mercury, in square to Mercury radix. Now both Mercury and the Sun are, moreover, in the Chart radix, rulers of House VIII, not to mention that Mercury symbolizes also the adolescence which in this case ended so suddenly and in such a traumatic way. An anular eclipse of the Sun will occur on August 22, 1997 at 2.07 GMT. As we already underlined, eclipses of the Sun are generally considered as inauspicious, in particular for Heads of State, Sovereigns and politic Assessments. In this day, then, another aspect which is particularly negative joins the eclipse, that is the square Mars/Saturn, even if the precise aspect will form later, and Saturn is also in retrograd movement, just like other 4 Planets: Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus an Mercury The eclipse takes place right in the royal sign, Leo, hosting Mars too, just enetering the Sign, so that it is involved also in the other negative aspect mentioned above, the square Mars/Saturn. It is evident that a partiucalrly hard period is going to begin - we recall that the effects of eclipses precede and follow the exact moment of the astronomical phenomenon, about 15 days - for a monarchic State, but also for Italy, France and most of all for States of Nothern Africa and Middle East. A possible crisis for Japan and for its Emperor. In a more general sense, extremely violent episodes will be mentioned in the news, hysterical fits, natural phenomena like submarine earthquakes and hurricanes (Neptune makes more negative the square Mars/Saturn) and travels by sea are not advisable for in this moment they are extremely riskful. As for the person, watch out for intoxications. There is a greater tendency to make mistakes and it is better to postpone whatever important decisions, so to avoid them to be unsuccessful within a short time. Mail mistakes, blackouts in telecommunications and most of all tendency to get irritated for whatever little thing.
Trans. by Carmen Santarpino - all rights reserved |