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KRAMER Samuel Noah,
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MAVOR Jr James W., "Voyage
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PLATONE, "Timeo", a
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POPOL VUH, trad. di Lore
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SINGH Sarva Daman, "Ancient
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SITCHIN Zecharia, "Genesis
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Stairway to heaven", Bear & Company Publishing, Santa Fe, New Mexico 1980, tr.
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SITCHIN Zecharia, "The wars
of gods and men", Bear & Company Publishing, Santa Fe, New Mexico 1985,
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SITCHIN Zecharia, "The Lost
Realms", Avon Book, New York, 1996.
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Encounters", Avon Book, New York, 1996
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TEMPLE Robert K.G., "The
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TOMAS Andrew, "From Atlantis
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TOMPKINS Peter, "Secrets of
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WEST John Anthony, "Serpent
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WILSON Colin, "From Atlantis
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