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Archaeology of the Mysteries 

By Paolo Forni


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For long years we are been present to the proliferate new studies and searches l on all one series of the past aspects not always sufficiently considered, more or less intentionally, by the traditional archaeology. Moreover, never like in this period we have needed to answer to questions like "Who are we? Where are we from? Where are we going"?. All over the world they discover findings and documents that, if analyzed with scientific rigor, they could implicate a necessary revision of all the acquisitions in historical archaeological field concerning the human kind. Imposing architectural structures exist (for instance the pyramids and the temples of Egypt, the megaliths of Stonehenge in England, the statues of Easter Island, the rests of the city of Tiahuanaco in Bolivia, etc.) for which the traditional theories are not able to furnish a reasonable explanation. So then always new studious, rebelling to the dogmas of the archaeological traditional doctrine, they have undertaken studies and searches in this sector that somebody has defined like Archaeology of the Mysteries.

The investigation methods have been most varied. Some has used means rather debatable like the hypnotic trance or the clairvoyance, other they instead followed more scientific methods not excluding the use of any tool that the different disciplines of the human knowledge could furnish. The new books have filled the markets and some of these has become real best sellers.

If we want to individualize some base elements common to these new theories, we could say that one of the principal it results the following: our actual global civilization was not the first on the Earth, there was an other one if not equal technologicaly superior for sure. This premise springs out of the fact that for the realization of certain buildings and other finds of the past were necessary evolved means, perhaps also more than those of which our actual civilization arranges, and certainly was not sufficient all the good wish and the fervor of men as soon as gotten out of the Stone age. For move blocks of 200 tons weight and skillfully conclude the work you need advanced technologies and not only beautiful words! Many authors often quote in their works the myths of Atlantis and Lemuria, the ancient civilization tragically disappeared owing to frightful natural catastrophes.

Other element: the myths, that have almost always considered like a pure birth of the human imagination, must instead be considered and interpreted attentively as potential accounts of events really happened in remote ages. This premise, after all, has more times verified in past in occasion of sensational archaeological discoveries; lets remember the mythical town of Ilio found, thanks to the stubbornness of H. Schliemann, in Western Turkey, exact place where Omero in the Iliade had placed it. Or lets think to the ancient Indian cities of Harappa and Mohenjo Daro found quite there, in valley of the Indo, where the ancient sanskrit writings known as Rig-Veda told they were. Certainly the language of the myths is not always "in clear," it sometimes must be "decripted", and it is the outcome of cultural patrimonies and ways of feel deeply different from ours. But the study of the myths and of their similarity in all the world could be a key to arrive to the explanation of so much ancient "mysteries". Lets think just to the myth of the Flood present among all people on Earth.

It has been verified for long time that many ancient constructions result astronomically oriented. This element doesn't show only that ancient people, like Egyptians for instance, they had a system of extremely evolved astronomic knowledge, but it also give us the cue for using in the investigation the tools provided by that discipline denominated Archaeoastronomy. So, once ascertained, by examining of the historical-mythological documentation, the wish of the ancient builders of line up the own work to well precise astronomic references, we can also go back to a precise dating of the building. Obviously that implicates a wide use of tools like computer with an astronomic software allowing to reconstruct a simulation of skies in the varied ages. Once found the sky that agrees with the planned by the ancient alignment of construction, we will have just to read the relative date.

Often forgotten for long time, numerous books containing accounts and studies that could furnish useful information to the investigation lie in the libraries al over the world. Most authors have literally sieved the libraries, and not only those, searching for writings that could throw light on the mysteries studied. Because of this, not only the bibliographies attached to the works were almost always conspicuous, but often they discovered that the formulation of determined concepts had already happened in historical past ages.

It is extremely necessary to keep the maximum mental opening and avoid to exclude a priori any hypothesis that could result founded after a more deepened investigation. Often the traditional doctrine is reluctant to accept new theories that badly insert in the system of acquired knowledge, particularly when these theories involves a total revision of the consolidated concepts. So also the archaeological proofs to support them are often set aside, not considered and sometimes derided. So if it is good thing that each new theory must be rigorously sifted and verified before inserted in the doctrinal knowledge body, it is also necessary that that is made without prejudices and modesties of caste.

It has been found that almost all the myths of the people tell how the fundamental knowledge to the base of the civilization (agriculture, breeding, metallurgy, art, astronomy, law, etc.) was granted by gods coming from the sky.
Many authors have hypothesized the visit on Earth, since remote times, of evolved beings coming from other planets that to the eyes of the terrestrial primitives appeared like gods. Obviously the hypothesis, on account of the significance of the matter, it must be still verified rigorously, but nobody can certainly exclude it a priori. After all also our civilization has started the exploration of the universe and for the future there are colonization plans of the celestial nearer bodies. We cannot exclude that in the universe also near to us there is, or there has been in past, intelligent beings able to create civilization more advanced than ours, able to overcome the big cosmic distances and colonize our planet. These concepts have given the by to a search seam called Spatial Archaeology that has fascinated and attract again numerous readers and that sets in first plain the extraterrestrial hypothesis like explanation of the origin of the civilization on Earth.

Some other authors are inclined to believe more to an evolution, in remote ages, of autochthonous civilization on Earth then tragically disappeared because of huge cataclysms. The survivors of such civilization could have taught their knowledge to other primitive surviving populations, to the eyes of which they appeared like gods. Also this hypothesis could not be refused a priori. After all when the Spanish Conquistadores went to precolombian populations they were considered by these like gods. After all the thing can easily verify still today. Lets think to a helicopter that lands in a lost village of the Amazzonia among primitive natives who has ever seen nothing similar: their myths would speak certainly for along time of a thundering bird of stone dropping from his abdomen a god called "Passenger" able of amazing prodigies like sending away the bad spirits from the patients giving them a small thing said "aspirin with water", creating a fire with one strange object said "lighter", launch deadly lightnings by a thundering reed said "rifle" and finally reentering in the abdomen of the bird of stone to return in sky in the abode of gods. Probably he would have his totem in the village too, and the wizards would preserve like sacred the precious objects given from the god "Passenger by the thundering reed."

The elements here exposed are only some of most frequent emerging in the literature of the kind. Many other particularities and charming hypothesis could be discovered by reading the vast bibliography existing in subject, of which I presents below only a small sample. Then on Internet, since long time, you can find numerous interesting sites more or less specialized that the fan reader will appreciate as upgrading source and possibility of useful ideas exchange.




ALFORD Alan, "Gods of the New Millenium", Eridu Books, UK, 1997.


AMBESI Alberto Cesare, "Atlantide il continente perduto", Xenia, Milano, 1994.


ATLAS OF MYSTERIOUS PLACES (a cura di Jennifer Westwood), Guild Publishing, London, 1987, tr. it "Atlante dei luoghi misteriosi", Ist. Geografico De Agostini, Novara, 1990.


AVENI Anthony, F., "Skywatchers of Ancient Mexico", University of Texas Press, 1990


BAUVAL Robert e GILBERT Adrian G., "The Orion Mistery", Wm. Heinemann, London, 1994, tr. it. di Pietro Ferrari, "Il Mistero di Orione", Corbaccio, Milano, 1997.


BAUVAL Robert e HANCOCK Graham, "Keeper of Genesis", 1996, tr. it. di Lucia Corradini, "Custode della Genesi", Corbaccio, Milano, 1997.


BERLITZ Charles, "Mysteries from Forgotten Worlds", 1972, tr. it., di Mariagrazia Bianchi, "I misteri dei mondi perduti", Euroclub Italia, Milano, 1978.


BERLITZ Charles, tr. it. Claudio De Nardi, "Atlantide l'ottavo continente", Edizioni Mediterranee, Roma, 1987.


BERLITZ Charles, "The Lost Ship of Noah", W.H. Allen, London, 1989 (tr. it. "La nave perduta di Noè", Sperling & Kupfer, Milano, 1988).


CAYCE Edgar Evans, CAYCE Schwartzer, Gail e Richards, DOUGLAS G., "Misteries of Atlantis Revisited: Edgar Cayce's Wisdom for the New Age", Harper & Row, San Francisco, 1988, tr. it. "I misteri di Atlantide", Edizioni Mediterranee, Roma, 1996.


COLLINS Andrew, "Gods of Eden", 1998, tr. it. di Bruno Amato, "Il sepolcro degli ultimi dei", Sperling & Kupfer Editori, Milano, 1999.


COTTERELL Arthur,"The Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Myths and Legends", Guild Publishing, London, 1989, (tr. it. "Grande enciclopedia dei miti e delle leggende", Rizzoli, Milano, 1990.


COTTERELL M. Maurice, "The Supergods", Thorsons, 1997, tr. it. di Pietro Ferrari, "I Superdei", Corbaccio, Milano, 1999.


DEVEREUX Paul, "Secrets of Ancient and Sacred Places", Blandford Books, London, 1992.


FLEM-ATH Rand e Rose, "When the Sky Fell", Stoddart, Canada, 1995.


FENOGLIO Alberto, "I misteri dell'Antico Egitto", CDE, Milano, 1995


GILBERT Adrian G. e COTTERELL Maurice M., "The Mayan Prophecies", Element, 1995, tr. it. "Le profezie dei Maya", Milano, 1996.


HANCOCK Graham, "Il mistero del Sacro Graal", trad. di Maria Massarotti, Piemme, Casale Monferrato (AL), 1995.


HANCOCK Graham, "Fingerprints of the Gods", 1995, tr. it. di E. Kampmann, "Impronte degli dei", Corbaccio, Milano, 1996.

HANCOCK Graham - FAIIA Santha, "Heaven's Mirror", Penguin Books Limited, 1998, tr. it. di Isabella Bolech, "Lo specchio del cielo", Corbaccio, Milano, 1998.

HANCOCK Graham - BAUVAL Robert - John GRIGSBY, "The Mars Mystery", 1998, tr. it. di Lucia Corradini, "L'enigma di Marte", Corbaccio, Milano, 1999.


HOPE Murry, "The Sirius Connection", Element Books Limited, Shaftesbury, Dorset, 1996, tr. it. di Pietro Ferrari, "Il segreto di Sirio", Corbaccio, Milano, 1997.


JACQ Christian, "Le petit Champollion illustré", Editions Robert Laffont S.A., Paris, tr. it. di Marco Jennarelli, "Il segreto dei geroglifici", Piemme, Casale Monferrato (AL), 1997.


KANJILAL Dileep Kumar, "Vimana in Ancient India", SansKrit Pustak Bhandar, Calcutta, 1985.


KOLOSIMO Peter, "Astronavi sulla preistoria", Sugar, Milano


KOLOSIMO Peter, "Ombre sulle stelle", Sugar, Milano


KOLOSIMO Peter, "Terra senza tempo", Oscar Mondadori, Milano, 1974.


KOLOSIMO Peter, "Il pianeta sconosciuto", Oscar Mondadori, Milano, 1978.


KOLOSIMO Peter, "I misteri dell'universo", Oscar Mondadori, Milano, 1986


KOLOSIMO Peter, "Non è terrestre", Saggi Oscar Mondadori, Cles (TN), 1994.


KOLOSIMO Peter, "Odissea stellare", Sonzogno, Milano, 1996


KRAMER Samuel Noah, "L'histoire commence à Sumer", Kramer e Libraire Arthaud, Paris, 1975, tr. it. di Enzo Navarra, "I Sumeri. Alle radici della storia", GTE Newton, Roma, 1997.


MAVOR Jr James W., "Voyage to Atlantis", 1996, tr. it. di Adria Tissoni,"Atlantide il continente ritrovato", Armenia, Milano, 1997.


PLATONE, "Timeo", a cura di G. Lozza, Mondadori, Milano, 1994.


POPOL VUH, trad. di Lore Terracini, a cura di Adrian Recinos, Einaudi, Torino, 1976.


SANTILLANA Giorgio e VON DECHEND Hertha, "Hamlet's Mill", Gambit International, Boston, 1969, tr. it a cura di Alessandro Passi, "Il mulino di Amleto", Adelphi, Milano, 1983, 1990.


SCHWALLER DE LUBICZ R. A., "Sacred Science: The King of Pharaonic Theocracy", Inner Traditions International, Rochester, Vermont, 1988 (tr. it. "La Teocrazia faraonica", Edizioni Mediterranee, Roma, 1994).


SELLERS Jane B., "The Death of Gods in Ancient Egypt", Penguin, London, 1992.


SINGH Sarva Daman, "Ancient Indian Warfare", Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi, 1989.


SITCHIN Zecharia, "Genesis Revisited", Avon Book, New York, 1990; tr. it.
Giulia Amici, "La Genesi", Gruppo-Futura Jackson Libri, Bresso (MI), 1995.


SITCHIN Zecharia, "The 12th Planet", Avon Book, New York, 1976, tr. it. di Maria Massarotti, "Il pianeta degli dei", Piemme, Casale Monferrato (AL), 1998.


SITCHIN Zecharia, "The Stairway to heaven", Bear & Company Publishing, Santa Fe, New Mexico 1980, tr. it. di Maria Massarotti, "Le astronavi del Sinai", Piemme, Casale Monferrato (AL), 1998.


SITCHIN Zecharia, "The wars of gods and men",   Bear & Company Publishing, Santa Fe, New Mexico 1985, tr. it. di Maria Massarotti, "Guerre atomiche al tempo degli dei", Piemme, Casale Monferrato (AL), 1999.


SITCHIN Zecharia, "The Lost Realms", Avon Book, New York, 1996.


SITCHIN Zecharia, "When Time Began", Avon Book, New York, 1996.


SITCHIN Zecharia, "Divine Encounters", Avon Book, New York, 1996


SPRAGUE DE CAMP L., "Lost Continents. The Atlantis Theme", 1970, tr. it. di R. Rambelli, "Il mito di Atlantide e i continenti scomparsi", CDE, Milano 1995.


TEMPLE Robert K.G., "The Sirius Mistery", Destiny Books, Rochester, Vermont, 1987.


TILAK Lokamanya Bal Gangadhar, "The Artic Home in the Vedas", Tilak Bros., Poona, 1956 (tr. it. "La dimora artica nei Veda", ECIG, Genova, 1987.


TOMAS Andrew, "From Atlantis to Discovery", Robert Hale, London, 1972.


TOMPKINS Peter, "Secrets of the Great Pyramid", Harper & Row, New York, 1978.


TOMPKINS Peter, "Mysteries of the Mexican Pyramids", Thames & Hudson, London, 1987.


WEST John Anthony, "Serpent in the Sky: the High Wisdom of Ancient Egypt", Quest Books, Wheaton, Ill., 1993.


WEST John Anthony, "The Traveller's Key to Ancient Egypt", Harrap-Columbus, London, 1989.


WILSON Colin, "From Atlantis to the Sphinx", Virgin Books, London, 1996, tr. it. di Stefania Marietti, "Da Atlantide alla Sfinge", Piemme, Casale Monferrato (AL), 1997.






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