Quaoar - The Centaurus of Transformation

Lynn  Koiner


On June 4, 2002, at 5:41:401 Greenwich Time, Chad Trujillo and Mike Brown at Caltech, operating the ground-based Oschin Telescope, at Palomar, California, discovered the largest Kuiper Belt2 Object (KBO) since the discovery of Pluto. It was named QUAOAR (pronounced KWAH-o-wahr) for the Creation Force of the Tongva tribe, the original inhabitants of the Los Angeles Basin, sometimes called the San Gabrielino Native Americans. More about the Tongva people can be accessed at: www.tongva.com

Quaoar is about the size of Pluto’s Moon, Charon. Compared to other solar system bodies, Quaoar’s diameter is 800 miles while Pluto is 1400 miles and our own Moon is 2100 miles. Quaoar is not considered to be Planet X or Transpluto. When Neptune was discovered in 1846, its orbit differed markedly from astronomers’ calculations. It was assumed that another planet was pulling it off course. When Pluto was discovered in 1930, it was considered too small to exert such a pull – the search continues.

Quaoar takes 288 years to orbit our Sun and its orbit is nearly circular, with its tilt being only 8% yet Pluto’s tilt is 20%! While Quaoar is 42 AU away from Earth (1 astronomical unit is the distance between the Earth and the Sun), this object is so bright that, within a month of discovery, the astronomers were able to trace Quaoar’s position back 2 decades in their survey data, the earliest being 1982! Even an advanced amateur astronomer could have spotted it. No satellites were observed. In 2006, NASA plans to launch a spacecraft to study Pluto and other Kuiper Belt Objects.

Less than a day after Quaoar’s discovery, a Swiss Ephemeris program was developed to calculate its position from 1900-2036. This ephemeris can be accessed at this astrological website.

http://www.karmastrology.com/quaoar.shtml Go to Ephemeris 1900-2036 and click. This website has a lot of the information that I have given here but with an astrological perspective.

In March 2003, I attended the Belgrad (Serbia) Astrological Congress, at which I was one of the speakers. I attended a lecture on Quaoar given by the president of the Yugoslavia Astrological Association, Aleksandar Imsiragic. I belong to the Centaurs Yahoo List so I was familiar with Quaoar as a Kuiper Belt Object but I could not relate to any of the interpretations suggested on this E-List. The highly respected astrologer, Jonathan Dunn, observed that, "Quaoar seems to signify creation, procreation, demanding, trying experiences, being placed under a microscope, viewing less attractive aspects, flaws or complexities, scientific activities; also, questioning, constructing, clarifying, revealing, creating abstract mental models, a spirit of discovery, the big picture."

Considering that Quaoar was at 10° Sagittarius (2002-03, although moving about 1° per year) opposing my Moon at the time of my mother’s death, I was very interested in what Aleksandar had to say. He have several key phrases to describe Quaoar’s action: 1) After something bad, comes something new, some new expansion of consciousness, 2) A price must be paid, a painful process, before something new happens, 3) A break with something, a break with the past, so that we can move onto something new, 4) Something must die first and then something happens, something new that is beyond death. 5) Because of the Tongva association, the symbolism of Quaoar may be connected with "creating through dance or rhythmic creations.

 Footnote 1:  The first discovery image was taken on June 4 at 5:41:41 (am) UT but Quaoar was identified in the image on June 5, 2002, at 10:48:08 (am - Pacific Daylight Time).

Footnote 2:  The Kuiper Belt is an asteroid belt beyond the orbit of Pluto. While most asteroids orbit in a belt between Mars and Jupiter, the Kuiper belt is at the icy fringes of our solar system. Pluto is now thought to be a Kuiper Belt Object but, because it has an orbiting Moon, it has retained its Planet status. The Kuiper Belt is considered to be the remains of a massive gas cloud that coalesced into our Sun and Planets billions of years ago. For some reason, the process was arrested and the KBOs were left stranded at their current stage for 4 billion years.

When Quaoar opposed my Moon in Gemini, the loss of my mother was incredibly painful. This is a woman whom I had known for my entire life. Yet, out of the ashes of this pain, I grew in awareness and personal empowerment. This transit affected a healing in my family relationships and this, too, was very empowering. By the time Quaoar left the opposition to my Moon (December 2002), I no longer felt the pain of loss. I created new traditions for my father and myself. I have been able to move on.

Earlier, when Quaoar squared my Sun in Virgo, my dear friend, JoeAnne, moved away to Virginia Beach. I felt once again abandoned but, as the square became exact, I finally began visiting her, since the trip was only 4 hours from my home. This became a regular and transformational journey. The transformational healing occurred because JoeAnne and her husband treated me so special, I learned about Nikkon magnets (which I feel have saved my life) and I began having regular Cayce Spa treatments. When Quaoar squared my Ascendant, an important friendship suddenly ended. This was so painful but I realized that we both needed to move on in different directions.

I discussed the transits of Quaoar with friends. One reported that, when Quaoar opposed her 6th House Mars, her unemployment finally ran out and she was thrust into a new job for which she was highly under-qualified and yet overpaid. This was a great learning experience for her that has allowed her to advance herself professionally in ways not before possible. Around the same time, she became pregnant, something that she and her husband did not want! Yet, it was a miraculous event that became a positive financial turning point in their lives.

While not connected with Quaoar, Aleksandar stated that, in 2012-2014, when Pluto in Capricorn squares Uranus, this could be a violent time, a death so to speak. We may be forced to make a break with the past and evolve into a New World Order. Quaoar will be approaching the Galactic Center at this time. In terms of the Pluto-Uranus square, I have predicted that the summer of 2012 will mark the beginning of a 10 year recession. In ASTROLOGY REALLY WORKS, the Magi Society states that this square, active during the time of the Great Depression, often causes bank closings. The End of the Mayan calendar is said to occur with the Winter Solstice of 2012. Just looking at an ephemeris for this date will not show any significant patterns. I have observed rare events that will indeed make this a highly significant time: 1) Venus will make its last crossing over the face of the Sun in June 2012. The radical concepts initiated in 2004 will now move into the mainstream of thinking, 2) Neptune will enter its ruling sign of Pisces for the first time since the 1800s, 3) Transpluto will move into its ruling sign, Virgo, for the first time in 1200 years! As they oppose each other, this will contribute to a new leap of consciousness for humanity in general.



Jan 7 2000:  7Sag59    Jan 1 2001:  9Sag06    Feb 1 2002:  10Sag57    Jan 27 2003:  12Sag07   

Jan 22 2004: 13Sag17    Jan 16 2005:  14Sag27    Jan 11 2006:  15Sag36    Jan 6 2007:  16Sag45  


by Lynn Koiner - All Rights Reserved