Biorhythmics By Paolo Forni © 1998 |
The origins Since ancient times some cycles influencing everyday life of human beings were found out. It is said that Ancient Chinese, Egyptians and Greeks did careful observations with good results. Anyway in modern age we can date back first studies about Biorhythmics, the science which study life balance, to the end of ninetieth-century. Herman SWOBODA, Psychology teacher at Vienna University, and Wilhelm FLIESS, otorhinolaryngologist physician from Berlin, indipendently one another, analyzing numerous statistical data of patients, found out two cycles, a PHYSICAL one 23 days long and EMOTIONAL one 28 days long, which in their becoming and crossing each other, influenced the human being life. Successively, in the early decades of twentieth-century, thanks to the statistical studies of Alfred TELTSCHER, mechanical engineer and teacher from Innsbruk, a third cycle, called INTELLECTUAL, 33 DAYS LONG, was added. Since then studies and practical applications of biorhithmic cycles went on all over the world. The cycles Biorhithmics assume that since his birth moment the human being run on three different, parallel and crossing each other tracks: the physical one by which it depends osseous-sanguineus-muscular energy supporting skeleton till death; the emotional one which produce moods changes, perceptions, unconscious sensitiveness; and the intellectual one on which the system of understanding, memory and reasoning capacity (derived from the mental quickness) is based. These three functions represent life cycles, regularity and variations of these components that Biorhythmics define by three sinusoidal curves crossing each other and fixing different moments in life in which physical strength, good mood and mental quickness clash and differ. (1) In their alternate becoming the three cycles give rise to 27 possible combinations, each with own feature and interpretation. (2) The first and middle cycle days, when there is the passing from a low phase to a high phase or vice versa, they are defined CRITICAL because in those days the human being is, on statistical basis, more subject to make mistakes for he is in strain condition with a high grade of instability. Biorhythmics aim is not telling the future of a person, rather to reach a better knowledge of human being by means of three cycles graphic tool and the observation of reactions to the different phases. So it is not necessarily true that in a critical day something unpleasant it should happen. There is only a greater probability that a negative event happen in that day because for biological reasons the person is in such a condition to favour that negative event. Anyway if we know that in a certain day we are more subject to do mistakes we can be more attentive and so to avert the event. There are interesting studies to verify connections between biorhythmic cycles and Moon phases. (3) There are many practical applications of Biorhithmic Theory particulary in those sectors in which it is necessary to be attentive to the human resources management. (4) Certainly Biorhythmics may be a valid and easy tool to better know ourself.
Notes: (1) George THOMMEN, "IL LIBRO DEI BIORITMI", Cesco Ciapanna Editore, Roma, 1981, pagg. 14-15. (2) Jean de BLANCHEFORT, "GUIDA AI BIORITMI", Armenia Editore, Milano, 1988, pagg. 139-153. (3) Jean de BLANCHEFORT, op.cit., pagg. 54-63. (4) George THOMMEN, op. cit., pagg. 88-114. |