
Jade points out an extremely flexible personality, endowed with elegance, lover of the nighttime life, particularly good for businesses but sometimes lacking of practicality.

It stimulates the recovery of the vital organs. If green, it assuages the troubles of stomach, stimulates the sight and the liver functions. It infuses courage, justice, wisdom and it sensitizes the love for the Nature. It stimulates the reflexes, it protects, gives calm, purifies, detoxifies and rebalance the body. It acts against the swellings, above all to the abdomen and the legs. It helps thyroid, the stomach, the bowel, the kidneys, the liver, the spleen, the colon, the bladder and the urinary system. it fights the colics and the neuralgic pains, it increases fertility, strengthens the heart and purifies blood. It strengthens the nervous system.


by Laura Poggiani - All Rights Reserved