
This crustal points out great communicative abillities, enormous energetic strengths, ability to balance and to assume control. It also points outjamd emergy and humanitarian spirit, necessity to promote elevated feelings eliminating the caffives habits and the negativity.

Purifying and protective, it awakens the healing, absorbs negative energies and trengthens the positive ones. It stimulates the knowledge of oneself and the recovery of the unconscious memoirs, it helps ability to be able to affirm own deep nature,  own convictions and the understanding of the others. It strengthens own energy,  strengthens the weak points of the aura and stimulates the psychic perception. It orders the thoughts, it clears up mind. It loosens the energetic blocks and it relaxes. It regularizes the bodily temperature, fights the allergies, the abdominal pains, the constipation, the swellings to the legs, the heatstrokes, backache, backbone and lumbagos, hernia of the disk. It stimulates and improves the lymphatic and energetic circulation, regenerates the fabrics and the process of aging.


by Laura Poggiani - All Rights Reserved