Potential of Stars for Italy 

in Soon Coming Year 2020 

by Kushal Kumar



1.     This Vedic astrology writer has been predicting yearly alerts for more care and appropriate strategy in Italy for some years past, which have come out to be  both  meaningful  and  accurate.  Such predictive alerts for the year 2019 were brought  to  public  domain  widely  in  November  2018  through  article  "Vedic  astrology  view  for  Italy  in  soon  coming  year  2019”.  Since the New Year 2020 is approaching,  the same exercise has been gone into in relation to the Italy.   The   following astrological inputs have been taken into account :-

At the outset, it is relevant to say that Vedic astrology follows sidereal zodiac.   If approximately 24 degrees and 10 minutes applicable for year 2020 are deducted from the position of ascendant and planets obtaining as per tropical zodiac, corresponding position in sidereal zodiac becomes available. 

This writer has followed the same.   It may be added that the factor of deduction increases marginally by a minute or so in a year, which is found usually indicated in ephemeris published in India.

2.     The year 2020 opens with renewed fresh endeavors at giving shape to or strengthening the aspirations of 2019 in economic, political, partnership and growth aspects of the country.   These endeavors look to be  bringing  about  some  moderate  or  average  forward  and  positive  movement  during first two to three months.   Support of the powerful nations towards nation’s growth through partnership or mutual goodwill becomes available.   Such like institutions as Asian Development Bank, World Bank or IMF can lend support during the first two  to  three months of the year if talks had been held in that regard in 2019.  Aviation sector, tourism, communication system, justice delivery system, religious philosophy and the like may pass through some positive   forward  movement of growth.

3.     But during a  period  of  three  and  a  half  month  from mid-March to June, 2020 , some elements or circumstances seeking to impede the forward movement and growth may likely intervene.   These likely trends have a potential to divert the focus  from  forward  movement of  growth  to  combating  the  worrisome  concerns  in  sectors  aforesaid.   War or war like conditions can develop.   Oil-diesel-gas or hydropower may call for attention or some worrisome concerns in energy sector may develop for facing.   There may be some worrisome concerns on account of foodstuff either due to price rise or some shortages  or  less than  expected  produce  from  crops.   Economic growth may trend to slowdown to an extent.   Storms, cyclones, high tides in sea may cause worrisome concerns in vulnerable regions.   Some or more of such regions as Sardegna, Turin, Rome, Province of Salerno, Province of Treviso, Province of Siena, Province of Caserta, Province of Catania, Trieste, Cagliari, Ravenna, Catanzaro may be in focus during a period of three and a half month from mid-March to June 2020, for one or more worrisome concerns mentioned here.   Volcano eruption, where vulnerable, is likely during the period said here.

Etna in Sicily and Stromboli volcanoes can cause some worry calling prior more care and appropriate strategy, during the period  of  mid-March  to  June  2020.

4.     Some health hazards or health concerns involving digestive system, venereal or sex related disorders in the body could cause worry, calling for more care and appropriate strategy.

5.     Industry related to Cinema, entertainment and the like may face some roadblocks  and  stiff competition.   Take more care while driving on road-rail-air during the period and in the regions mentioned here before.

6.     There is a positive turn of events also.   During first about second half of year 2020, Italy is likely to get opportunities in relation to past unfulfilled dreams  or  opportunities  of  forward  positive  movement  in  relation  to  such  projects.    Some good work done in the past can bring success.  Some stuck up projects can open the gates  to  move  forward.   Relations with powerful nation or nations can grow  positive  drawing  their  support.   Economy is likely to move forward.   Partnership issues with nations may resolve well, and their cooperation in economic and social sectors may be had. Italy may  be  associated   with  some  international  assignment  of  pride .   Several nations may look upon Italy as center to guide them in the matter of religion or betterment in religious system or set-up.

7.     Last about two months of November and December 2020 look to be raking up hidden issues involving repayment of debt.   This has the potential to drag Italy to litigation or something of that sort. This scenario can also mean worrisome ailments involving respiratory system in the body or venereal diseases or increase in ailments relating to nerves. As  far  as  practicable ,  reduce  intake  of  wine  or  windy  stuff. 

8.     It may be made clear here that, while every effort is made to present a picture which may guide readers accurately, still human beings are apt to slips and errors.   Further, these alerts are based on trends likely to take shape while more care and appropriate strategy by concerned people can tend to either reduce the gravity or mitigate the happenings.   So, human efforts and appropriate strategy has weight.   In the light of these circumstances, these alerts of likely trends amount to neither deterministic nor having claim of certainty and are aimed at wake up call for more care and appropriate strategy.


Biography :

- Hailing from Sansal of District Kangra of Himachal Pradesh in India, Kushal Kumar  is presently  a resident of Panchkula  in Haryana State of India.   His articles have also been published by  world’s such leading astrological magazines as The Mountain Astrologer (TMA) from California and Horoscope from New York.   His articles having predictive alerts for Singapore, Japan, India, U.S., Canada and Italy covering year 2019, have turned out to be precisely meaningful.   His master-work on spiritual themes have also been brought out by leading magazines. He can be reached via kushal1948@gmail.com.


202 – GH 28, Mansorovar Apartments,  
Sector 20, Panchkula, Haryaya,
India – 134116

15 December 2019 


One  of  predictions  looks  to  have  come  accurate  on  17 December 2019   itself   when  Pope  Francis  in Vatican  on  the  day  of  his  83rd  birth  made  some  positive  forward  moving  or  reformist  announcements  in  relation  to  justice  delivery  system  in  Catholic  Church.  Here  is  the  brief  explaining  this  aspect. 


As  a  measure  to  counter  mounting  criticism that  the  high  degree  of  confidentiality  has  been  used  in  Church  to  protect  paedophiles  ,  silence  victims  and  keep  law  enforcement  from  investigating  crimes  ,   Pope  Francis  is  reported  to  have   announced  on  Tuesday  ( 17 December ,  2019) ,  his  83rd  birthday  ,  certain  positive  measures  which  can  be  perceived  as  positive  forward  movement   in  the  sphere  of  justice  delivery  in  like  cases  of  aforesaid  nature.  The  Pope  is  reported  to  have  said  that  “ pontifical  secret”  no  longer  applies  to  abuse –related  accusations ,  trials  and  decisions  under  the  Catholic  Church’s  canon  law. 

In  this  context  ,  it  may  be  apt  to  refer    to  this  Vedic  astrology  writer’s  one  of  predictions  in  article  - “  Potential  of  stars  for  Italy  in  soon  coming  year  2020”  -  emailed  on  15 December  2019  widely  to  news  media  in  Italy.  Para  2  of  the  said  article  ,  which  deals  with  first  two  to  three  months  of  the  year  2020  ,    reads  like  this  also   :- “  Aviation  sector  ,  tourism ,  communication  system ,  JUSTICE  DELIVERY  SYSTEM  ,  RELIGIOUS   PHILOSOPHY   AND  THE  LIKE  MAY  PASS  THROUGH  SOME  POSITIVE  FORWARD  MOVEMENT   OR   GROWTH”.   While  dealing  with  the  second  half  of  2020  in  para  6   of  the  article  ,  the  text    reads  like  this   also :-“  During  second  half  of  year  2020  ,  several  nations  may  look  upon  Italy  as  centre  to  guide  them  in  the  matter  of  religion  or  betterment  in  religious  system  or  set –up”.

Thus  ,  it  can  be  said  that  the  announcement  reported  to  have  been  made  by  Pope  Francis  on  17 December  2019  was  very  well  reflected   in  some  way   by  this  writer  in  the  article  emailed  on  15 December  2019. 

Kushal Kumar ,

Panchkula , Haryana  ,   India. 

20 December 2019

By Kushal Kumar - All Rights Reserved